Administration brought forth plans to expand Calgary’s composting facility to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee. Calgarians have embraced the Green Cart Program over the past 5 years, to such an extent, that they are proposing we add 60,000 tonnes per year of capacity. This will expand our ability to divert organic waste from landfills, create more compost, and strengthen our revenue streams.
They also proposed that our facility adopt an additional anaerobic process that will produce biogas to be captured and sold. Not only will this further improve the revenue potential but the final product will also have fewer odour issues. This is especially great news for Ward 12!
I proposed an amendment that Administration proceed with creating an estimate for developing additional indoor storage as part of this expansion. The amendment was adopted unanimously and will go to the Combined Meeting of Council on Feb 15th. If passed, this will further address concerns with the intermittent odours created at the compost facility.
Click HERE for the detailed business case for the expansion.