Good Day Ward 12,
I hope this fall season has been filled with good food, family & friends and that this update finds you and yours with reasons to be filled with gratitude.
While that is my hope, I know it is not everyone's situation. I was reminded of this fact this week at coffee with a friend in my neighbourhood. He spoke about how his family budget is increasingly feeling the pinch due to the affordability pressures piling up on Calgarians.
While Council has limited tools at its disposal there are absolutely things we can do and issues we need to address. In particular, I have been advocating for changes to our Local Access Fee for a while now and I encourage you to learn more by checking out my blog here: Local Access Fee in Calgary - Evan Spencer for Ward 12. The current setup for how the fee is calculated is based on a long-standing calculation that has been reviewed many times. Unfortunately, this year the extremely high energy rates conspired with our calculation to add insult to injury for Calgarians trying to make ends meet.
This November Council will be considering an affordability package to redistribute some of the LAF windfall back into the community and hopefully target those resources to where they will have the most impact. If you or someone you know is struggling right now, I encourage you to call 211. Ward 12 is also home to some amazing groups of neighbours who volunteer their time to mobilize local support for those in need. Look for a local Angels group on social media, as a possible support, if you need a hand up right now.
If you have questions, concerns or feedback as we head deeper into the Fall, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at, call the office at
403-268-1698 or follow us on social media for regular updates:
Cllr. Evan Spencer